there are a few things i really suck at baking is one and roasting a chicken is the other. however, i have recently found an awesome roast chicken recipe that takes about an hr. i couldnt believe it. a whole chicken, in the oven, 1 hr (depending on your oven) that’s it.  you need whole chicken ( you can season it over night if you so wish) and a covered pan such as this:

preheat the oven to 500 (yes i said 500). cut the chicken in half like so:

season the chicken, i usually add a little water or some other liquid to the bottom to baste.

cover and bake for about a half hr. after a half hr lower the heat to 400 and you can start basting every few minutes or so. until the juices run clear. that’s it!!  yummy roasted chicken only after about an hr.

here is also a really simple oven fried chicken recipe that i use:

~about 1 lb or so of chicken pieces

~2 cups of bread crumbs (use according to how much chicken you have if less, use less, if more use more)

~1 tbs of garlic powder

~1 tbs of adobo

~1/2 packet of sazon

-preheat oven to 400

-marinate chicken pieces in whatever seasonings you like. (i usually do some green seasoning, sometimes i do garlic powder, adobo, and hot sauce)

-slather the chicken pieces with  cooking oil ( you can also use egg, something that will make the crumbs stick)

-in a seperate bowl combine dry ingredients dunk chicken in bread crumbs and generously cover until you don’t see skin

-place in pan about an inch apart

-bake for 40 min (or until juices run clear)

*so tonight’s meal, roasted chicken and macaroni pie. yayy!