so recently i have come into a bit of drama and would like to take this moment for a little rant. at what age can we start acting like adults, ladies? i have come to the conclusion that age has nothing to do with maturity. as women, as mothers, we have the obligation to present ourselves in a manner that reflects where we are in life. of course reflect who YOU are, but can we please stay classy??? obviously if you were classless to begin with, we can’t expect much from you post-baby. but i would really hope that somewhere from the time of pregnancy to raising your child, you may have learned a thing or two about adulthood.

of course, women will be women:caddy, gossipy, two-faced. but you do run into those women that really have nothing better to do with their time (including trying to raise their children) than to try to stir up drama. these are the women to steer clear of. of course we all have tendencies to enjoy a bit of gossip or drama ourselves, but to create it in order to ‘better’ ones image of ones own life…. really not cute.

So this woman that i thought was a close friend of mine and my family showed her true colors in the face of desperation. of course i do not believe that she would have done this unless she truly felt her life and her family was at risk, but i would have hoped she would have left me and my family alone, rather than trying to bring us down with her. i guess they do say that the ‘grass is always greener’ and ‘misery loves company’, but to ruin a friendship and potentially my own family (thank goodness im confident in my own life to smell a flat out lie , no matter how much she tried to convince me and everyone it was the truth).

looking back at the relationship, the behaviors, the person i can honestly say, the writing was on the wall. i suppose i am the eternal optimist, trying to see the good in everyone, believing that people are inherantly good rather than bad. trusting before taking it away. however in light of this recent situation i am re -thinking this. ‘friends’ come and go and i realize that maybe this needs some further reflection. i mean, is it me? does my optimist nurturing personality draw these type of people? do i choose to see the good (no matter how slight) and ignore the bad? i’m sure all of of these are true, but now that it’s not jus my own life, it’s my whole family that was effected by this woman, i really need to get it together and be careful about who i let into my and my family’s lives.

so i have compiled a list of characteristics to be wary of when letting people get close to you (or your family). or maybe it’s YOU that has these characteristics. ask yourself these questions:

~does this person often seem a pile of extreme emotions (anger, joy, sadness)?

~do you often find yourself being the counselor or advice giver or ear or shoulder to lean on?

~have you given more of your time, energy, money doing things for this person than you have received from them?

~does this person seem to tell you EVERYTHING about EVERYONE, and seem to know intimate details? (aka gossip)

~does this person spin the truth about small things to benefit themselves?

~does this person constantly talk about how awful their life is?

~would you take this person to a fancy restaurant or event?

~do you feel drained and tired during or after spending time with this person?

~does this person often ‘warn’ you about other people?

(the list of questions could go on and on, but these are just a few) if you find yourself being able to relate to these questions or imagine one particular person when you’re reading this…..RUN!!!! lollll. i’m not saying that someone who holds these characteristics is a bad person or has ill intent, but eventually it will bite you in the ass in some way or another. i’ve learned this lesson SO MANY times in my life (you’d think id get it together by now).

it doesn’t matter how old you are, if you act like a child. age ain’t nothin but a number…..

ok so on a lighter note:

so my son is 15 mths old and is starting to have this thing about food. he’s not big on textures, so he now spits out chicken, pork, beef, any veggie that is not over cooked lol. so i decided to share his favorite meal with all of you. it’s a ground beef recipe (which is the only meat he will actually eat).

Thai Ground Beef:

-1 thinly sliced onion

-1 cup of frozen peas

-1 teaspoon minced garlic

-1 lb of ground beef

-1 teaspoon of red curry paste

-1 small can of tomato sauce

-1/2 cup of coconut milk

-1 tablespoon of brown sugar

-grated rind and juice of 1 lime

-1 tbs of fish or oyster sauce

1) in a large skillet drop a small teaspoon of oil

2) saute onion, garlic until onion translucent

3) add ground beef, cook until brown

4)add peas cook until well done

5)stir in curry paste and tomato sauce cook until starts to simmer

6)add coconut milk, brown sugar, lime, and fish sauce

7) cook until slightly thickened

8) serve over rice

Thai green beans:

-green beans trimmed

-1 tbs of soy sauce

-1 tbs of oyster sauce

-1 tbs of creamy peanut butter

-1 tsp of grated ginger root

-1 tsp of lime juice (i use the leftover from the ground beef)

1)in a seperate bowl combine the soy sauce, oyster sauce and peanut butter

2) in a pan steam the green beans until tender

3) add ginger

4) add peanut sauce

5) mix well over low heat until the sauce coats beans

6) serve

**This is my son’s absolute favorite meal. he will eat about 2-3 bowls of this in one sitting!!**

~random i know but *shrug*~ lollll