so i love my android phone. LOVE loll. i recently got the kindle app on it and all hell broke loose. i finally read Twilight and was immediately, to my independent-girl-power dismay, captivated. with that read in about 24 hrs, i plowed through the whole entire series in less than a week. it was soooo good. it appealed to every facet of myself that i apparently had tried to convince myself i didnt need, with being a super woman and all. it was my guilty pleasure. then, literally, just now, it struck me. WHERE”S THE ROMANCE (besides my kindle app on my phone). of course you’ve heard me rant and rave about how oversexed the media is and blah blah blah. i think we made a trade off- romance for sex. i think that the more advanced we become as a society through civil equalities, technological advances, science break throughs, the hunt for the concise and efficient has compressed life into a pretty salty bullion cube.

after today i realized how THIRSTY i am for romance. utterly parched lol. but my life is so UNromantic. working 40 hrs as a bookkeeper (the math alone all day leaves u feeling quite dry), coming home, cooking, cleaning, bathing da bubbies, bottles, bedtime. i mean an altogether snoozer if you ask me.

i can see, however, in the US our way of life. (maybe it’s bc im in nyc). the hustle the bustle, everything moving so fast. the competition the ambition, the drive, the need to win. earn more, save more, spend more. scratch, claw, bite your way through to the top. our passions seem so misplaced.

when i was in high school i dreamed of my life in quite a romantic way. finding love, raising a family, or being a dancer in a ballet company, or moving to nyc,  whatever it was (ugh i’m so old it’s hard to remember). but then once you go to college its’ like this swift monsoon that sweeps you off your feet and suddenly you’re worried about your career and the rest of your life and MONEY. no more romantic daydreaming. the rat race had commenced. from a small town romantic idealistic girl to a nyc career girl with a kid and no time to daydream!! Dammit! *shaking fist angrily.

i’m also noticing it’s not just about career and money. i read an article the other day about girls who are going through puberty earlier and earlier. getting their periods at 7!!!!! SEVEN!!! (i wiped my brown relieved my first was a boy). and watching all the tyra episodes with teens with multiple sex partners and sexting and all this other craziness. (of course there were a few girls in high school like that but it was never considered the NORM). the songs on the radio are no longer about “before i let you go away, can i get a kiss good night” (ahh blackstreet how i miss thee) now it’s lil wayne talking about how he’s “single for the night”. or usher’s “making love in this club” or trey songz “take you home” (along with the dozens of other songs on the top 20 about post-clubbing-one-night-stands). and all the sorrowful women singing about their men cheating. we’ve replaced romance with emotionless, meaningless sex. (not to mention money, careers, and everyday life).

as women (as i always say) we try to be super women. doing everything. working, taking care of our families. not that im knocking women’s liberation. or saying suffrage was a mistake. but perhaps we’ve moved too far from where we came from. the word WOMEN now has such a strong connotation as opposed to Shakespeare women who were whimsical and feminine. (of course silly and mindless a little). of course im not saying i wish i wore a burka either. i jus wish that as women we were regarded with  a little more reverence. a little more romance.

i’m not sure exactly what it is that i want from my everday life. and how to achieve a ‘little more romance’ will then be my next step. but this (sigh, like most things) is up to ourselves. adding more romance to our lives. perhaps seeing life differently. enjoying small pleasures again. you know, half full instead of half empty. life is sooo stressful and it blinds us. we live our everday lives again and again, each day passing into the next, same routine. perhaps i need to find something to break that routine and find a little romance in it.

i’ll keep you posted as to how that goes lol…….

i mean life doesnt have to be THAT far off from fiction does it? (well minus the whole vampire, werewolf thing).
